Player Roster
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All Golfers
Skins Field
Aaron Patrick
Adam Waggoner
Adam Williams
Alex Kanakis
Andrew Watts
Ann Parker
Anthony Alred
Anthony Schrier
Anthony Westfield
Bill Pogue
Billy Bothun
Blake Ellis
Blake Womack
Bob Hamm
Branton Dawson
Bryan Myers
Cade Gibson
Chad Williams
Chance Lowery
Christine Alred
Clint Spencer
Corey Clingan
Dakotah Smith
Darrell Smith
Darrell Smith1
Darrell Smith2
Darrell Waggoner
Dave Newby
David Hemmingson
Dee Murray
Dillon Wales
Doug Cavagnaro
Doug Johnson
Dustin Edge
Dustin Johnson
Dusty Smith
Dylan Samuelson
Eli Ellis
Eric Hill
Eric Jones
Gary Springer
Gene Smith
Gerald Snowden
Hairy Marti
Harlan Patrick
Hayden Brenneis
Jack Rickman
Jack Trostle
Jason Vonormar
Jay Fowler
Jeff Allison
Jeff Burr
Jeff Derryberry
Jeff Williams
Jerry Ralston
Jerry Workman
Jimmy Grimes
John Goodman
John Staton
Jordan Burks
Jordan Johnson
Karl Moorhead
Keith Reardon
Kyle Fowler
Laura Pogue
Mark Parker
Mark Terrel
Maron Towse
Matt Otey
Matt Smallwood
Mike Bodensteiner
Mike Doolin
Mike Hoffman
Nathan Cook
Nathan Price
Ned Wakeley
Nick Johnson
Nolan Haines
Patrick Scott
Phillip Swift
Ralph Wakeley
Randy Haas
Randy Miller
Red O'Dell
Rob Harmon
Ross Fry
Ryan Knell
Ryan Shoemaker
Scott Burns
Scott Burns1
Scott Burns2
Seth Spencer
Shawn Delmez
Shawn Royer
Steve Foust
Steve Hoenshell
Steve Johnson
Steve Watts
Tim Johnson
Tom Garrison
Tom Waggoner
Tug Baker
Tyler Smith
Tyler Smith1
Tyler Smith2
Vali Watts
Wayne Smith
Zach Endicott